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Tate Modern, Turbine Hall London/Free admission/18–20May2018

My photo book will participate.

a r c h i p e l a g o is at Offprint all week-end with books by:

Renato d’Agostin Thomas Albdorf Israel Ariño Félicia Atkinson Valentino Barachini Rosa Barba Yto Barrada Julián Barón Ruth van Beek Enrico Bertelli Thomas Boivin Tiago Casanova Ricardo Cases Alessandro Dandini Pia Elizondo Pedro Guimaraes Tine Guns Brian Griffin Darren Harvey-Regan Joakim Kocjancic Raymond Meeks Enric Montes Jean-Luc Moulène Makoto Oono Marton Perlaki Rick Puchinsky Louis Reit Misha de Ridder Ugo Rondinone Avery Singer Elizabeth Tonnard Lorenzo Tricolli Rocco Venezia Camille Vivier Harley Weir Daisuke Yokota Anne Muchler & Nico Schmitz Saskia Overzee & Amanda Butterworth

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